Do you travel as much as you used to? If not, you’re like us. Aside from our snowbird movements between Michigan and Florida, we don’t do much of it these days. That may account for why, during DBD we find ourselves reminiscing more about trips taken when we were younger. --I was just thinking about your work as an extra. --What about it? I bet you think it’s dumb. --No, I don’t, that’s not true. It’s important work, as you point out every time we watch a movie. “See right there? Those are extras.” But I was thinking, by now, they should be running out of ideas for reality shows. “Real Housewives of Bayonne, New Jersey” must be in the pipeline. “So You Think You Can Mud Wrestle.” --“So You Think You Can Tuckpoint.” --Exactly. Remember when we were in Palm Springs? --It was too far to fly for just five days. --I know, but do you remember the tour we took? --Mostly, I remember the dumb tapestries we bought at a consignment store in Rancho Mirage. But yes, I remember. I rem